
Friday, July 23, 2010

Sweeny Todd


Yes, I know Johnny Depp stars in this movie. Yes, I also know this movie is a musical/goth movie. And no, I don't have a problem saying I enjoyed this movie.

OK, so this movie is centered around Sweeney Todd, a weathered man traveling to London on a boat with a dark and disturbing past. Turns out, ol’ Sweeney (Formerly known at the time as Benjamin Barker) had a perfect life as a barber with a beautiful wife and baby girl. One day, a man named Judge Turpin, one of the most powerful judges in the city, sees Todd’s wife and wants her. So if you were a man in power and were used to getting what you wanted, what would you do? That's right, he took her and her baby, while Todd was sent away (you never learn where to). Well, Todd wants revenge and doesn't want just to kill him, he wants to kill him with his trusty razors. And with a loyal woman at his side that needs a new SPICE for her meat pies, there is no stopping the deranged duo.

Although the blood in this movie looks a little like fruit punch, this movie is still gruesome and shows what level people would sink to in order to get revenge. Plus, the songs aint half bad.

3 stars out of 4

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