
Friday, July 23, 2010

Law Abiding Citizen

So Gerard Butler just kicks total ass. He was bad ass in 300, he was a smooth ass in The Ugly Truth, and now he becomes an unpredictable ass-HOLE in this year’s best crime drama (so far).

When Clyde Shelton (Butler) opens the door to his home, he never had the thought that in a few minutes he would be stabbed, watch his wife get raped, and watch his daughter die. After suffering one of the worst sufferings known to man, Shelton wants revenge. Unfortunately, the prosecutor that is working for him, Nick Rice (Foxx), doesn't seem to know the difference between winning for whats right and winning for a good conviction rate. When only one of the robbers in Shelton’s house gets the death penalty (the one that didn’t rape or kill anyone, by the way) and the other only gets 5 years, Clyde begins to plot. And boy does he. After 10 YEARS(!), his plan starts going into action. Now this is where things get all weird and awesome.

Clyde somehow lures his wife and daughter’s killer to a car, which he drives to an abandoned warehouse and goes all Jigsaw-y (the guy from Saw) on him. He paralyzes him and cuts him into 25 pieces with surgical precision, and he never looks back. He records his little moment and sends it to Rice (Foxx), and starts killing everyone that was involved in his family’s trial. He blows the brains out of the judge, blows up about 6 city officials, and kills his attacker’s attorney, while he was in JAIL!

It was unbelievable yet captivating at the same time! I won’t tell you the ending but, wow, it’s crazy. This is a DEFINITE must see.

3 1/2 stars out of 4

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