I go to my local video store. I enter the “Favorites” section, and come across a movie labeled “I am Jack’s Movie”. Striking a curious spark of interest in me, I grab the dusty movie and head home. When I pop the DVD in, what do I find? The fabled, the infamous, one-of-the-best-movies-no-ones-ever-seen. Fight Club.
Fight Club is centered around an unnamed narrator (Edward Norton). We quickly learn that the “Narrator” is a struggling insomniac that has no one there for him. He soon discovers support groups (testicular cancer, brain tumor’s, etc.) are the tickets to the train for his ecstatic high. When he discovers that another woman is doing the same thing, the “Narrator” confronts her and they agree to split up support groups. Yet the all changes when the “Narrator” meets Tyler Durden. Tyler shows the “Narrator” how to live life to the fullest, how society is crumbling and someone needs to take a stand. Tyler and the “Narrator” then open the door with an underground boxing gang called “Fight Club”. Soon Fight Clubs are popping up all over the nation, and it seems as if the “Narrator” has finally found his place in life. Yet Tyler has bigger dreams for his new army of the Average Joes. Dreams that would affect more than just the pitiful lives of his followers.
With Brad Pitt and Norton giving phenomenal performances, this movie was just great to watch. That being said, there is one thing that needs to be pointed out. The plot, which starts out so fantastically, ends with a question mark. Expect a somewhat of a twist.
3 stars out of 4
“The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB.” These words will go down as one of Brad Pitt’s best lines.
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