
Friday, July 23, 2010

Where The Wild Things Are

So Hollywood has tried making an hour and 40 minute movie out of one of the best-selling children books of all time (the book is only 48 pages long and mostly pictures). Well you can’t hate them for trying.

OK, so Where the Wild Things Are is based on a child called Max, who is basically a brat and has no friends, who runs away from home and sails away on a boat to an island where wild things live. (Whoa, wait a minute. How the heck does this kid become like a sailor on a boat that is basically on the ocean?) Once he encounters the Wild Things (huge beasts) and they try to eat him, Max explains they can’t eat him because he has magical powers and could destroy them all. He also persuades them to allow him to become king. ( How is this a kid’s movie when the Wild Things eat humans?) The rest of the movie teaches Max how he isn’t old enough to truly take care of himself and how he needs his family. (That's all I will say, in fear of giving away the ending, not that I’m encouraging ANYONE to see this movie.)

But let me just make this VERY clear. This. Movie. Sucked. It is just SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOO STUPID AND BORING! My 4 year old sister hated it! It is definitely one of the worst attempts EVER when trying to create a movie based off of a book. Max was a cry baby and a major brat. He bites his own mom and she doesn't hit him? Be reasonable moms, if your 8-9 year old son stood on your counter when you have a new boyfriend over IN a wolf suit, shouts “Feed me, woman!” and then BITES you (not like a nip, but actual teeth marks) you aren’t going to do ANYTHING?!? And how does this kid survive on an island for like 5 weeks without food? It was just idiotic and unreasonable. So, for all you other critics that get PAID to do what I love doing, who paid you off to give this a good rating? Certainly not me.

1 star out of 4

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